Emergency / Same-Day Appointments
Licensed Optometrists
Broad Range of Brand Options
You depend on your eyes nearly every moment of every day. Shouldn't you treat them to a check-up to ensure their health? The experienced optometrists at Dr. D.M. Fitzgerald & Associates are skilled at identifying problems early so you can enjoy a lifetime of healthy and clear vision. Call us today to book an appointment.
From the youngest children to mature adults, we can help your entire family with their vision needs. Our caring staff will ensure that you receive the best possible eye care solutions.
The Optomap retinal exam is a fast, easy, comfortable, and in depth view of the retinal layers where disease typically starts. This annual wellness scan provides a permanent record for your medical file so that we can track and diagnose potential eye diseases.
Maximize Your Vision and Eye Health
Call us today to book an appointment.
(319) 366-3500
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