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We are a unique, cutting-edge training facility with the most advanced technology on the market. At Active Evolution Studio, we use sensory-motor integration techniques, functional movement training and an at-home computer based training protocol to give our athletes the competitive edge. An athlete's ability to see, think and react quickly can make all the difference between winning and losing! Call Dr. D.M. Fitzgerald & Associates today to learn more about our sports vision training.
Sports vision training is the new frontier in athletic development. In the competitive world of sports, athletes are constantly striving to develop their skills to become faster, smarter, stronger. Most athletes and coaches spend 90 percent of their time working on technical and physical components of sports performance. But in sports, where split-second timing can make all the difference, exceptional visual skills are a must! How an athlete sees the game affects how they play the game.
Using sensory-motor integration techniques, we enhance the neurological connections between the brain and the body. Where the eyes lead, the body will follow. This training results in improved dynamic balance, quicker decision making and reaction speeds, improved depth perception, heightened contrast sensitivity and improved eye-hand coordination. We give our clients the competitive edge in life and in sports.
Clients typically train 2-3 times per week for 30 minutes. As the client's skills develop, trainers add stimuli to increase the stress levels to further challenge the athlete. This type of training enables us to train a client's reaction speed to various amounts and types of stimuli, improving their tracking ability, cognitive processing and peripheral awareness.
Our programming focuses on athletes. However, vision training partnered with functional movement training is for everyone! This type of training is also immensely effective for law enforcement, military personnel, concussion patients or patients recovering from brain injuries. Anyone who wants to improve his or her concentration, eye-hand coordination, peripheral awareness, reaction speed and decision making will benefit from high performance vision training.
Top-Notch Sports Vision Training
Call us today to book an appointment.
(319) 366-3500
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