Emergency / Same-Day Appointments
Licensed Optometrists
Broad Range of Brand Options
At Dr. D.M. Fitzgerald & Associates, we offer lymphatic drainage and craniosacral therapy, which are hands-on therapies that are both gentle and can help progress the function of your central nervous system and lymphatic system. Call us to learn more about these unique therapy techniques.
Scheduling an appointment during regular office hours can be a task and we understand this. Dr. D.M. Fitzgerald & Associates offers extended weekday hours until 7 pm for your convenience.
Each of our therapies is done by our certified therapists who have undergone extensive and advanced training in each area.
Because we know how difficult it can be to deal with insurance, we'll bill your insurance directly! Dr. D.M. Fitzgerald & Associates for more information.
Unique Therapy Techniques to Increase Function
Call us today to book an appointment.
(319) 366-3500
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